Your HeartSafe Home Plan

1. Check Breathing
- Do they respond when you call out “Hey, are you OK”?
- Look and listen for breathing
- Look to see if their chest rises and falls
- Listen over their mouth and nose for breathing sounds (10 seconds max)
- If they are not breathing normally call 911

2. Call 911
- Try to remain calm
- Answer the dispatcher’s questions
- Follow the dispatcher’s instructions

3. Prepare for CPR
- Try to move the person to the ground or flat surface
- Position yourself at the person’s side, kneeling close to one side of the chest

4. Start Hands-Only CPR
- Hand position: Two hands centered on the chest, as seen in the image
- Body position: Shoulders directly over hands, elbows locked
- Depth: At least 2 inches
- Rate: 100 to 120 beats per minute
- Allow chest to return to normal position after each compression
- Push hard and fast until you see obvious signs of life or until emergency help arrives and takes over

5. Unlock Home Entrance
- If someone else is at home, have them unlock the door and make a clear path for first responders
- If you are alone, continue CPR until the 911 dispatcher tells you to open the door

Preparing Your HeartSafe Home