Staying Alive Video Contest

Win up to $1000!

Cardiac arrest often happens in the home. Make a home video practicing your cardiac arrest plan. Knowing how you and your household can respond quickly (two minutes or less!) may save a life. 

Be prepared!

  1. Who will call 911 and put the call on speaker phone?
  2. Who will start CPR while talking with the 911 dispatcher?
  3. Who will unlock the door to your home for first responders?

How to Enter

  1. Create an original video practicing your plan
  2. Videos can be recorded using a camera or phone
  3. Tag your entry with the hashtag #HeartSafeHome on Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or Facebook. You can also submit your entry using this form
  4. All entries MUST include these 3 important steps in a cardiac arrest emergency response home plan:
    • Call 911
    • Start CPR
    • Unlock the door to the home
  5. Contest begins September 1, 2022. Deadline for entries is 5:00 pm EST, Monday, October 10, 2022. Winners will be announced on World Restart a Heart Day, Sunday, October 16, 2022.
  6. All entries must be in digital format
  7. The length of the video should not exceed 90 seconds

Recommended: Choose a filming area with lots of light.

Participants will be contacted by contest organizers if they win.

Contest Prizes

Winners will be selected by a panel of experts on sudden cardiac arrest.

Prizes will be awarded as follows:

1st Prize: $1,000

2nd Prize: $500

3rd Prize: $300

All participants will receive a HeartSafe Home certificate and magnet as a thank you gift.

By participating in this contest, you agree to follow the rules above. All contest decisions are final.